How much does it cost to run a hot tub? Updated 2025
Find Out The Factors That Impact Hot Tub Running Costs & How To Spot The Most Efficient Hot Tubs.
Protecting your hot tub investment is vital to ensure it gives you long and trouble-free service for the enjoyment of all the family. To the uninitiated, hot tub water care sounds a little daunting. Fear not, as all WhatSpa? Approved dealers are very well versed in providing initial and ongoing customer training to ensure that you are 100% confident in looking after the water in your fabulous new hot tub. Hot tub water care shouldn’t take you more than than 30 minutes a week once you’re up to speed, so read our maintaining a hot tub articles to discover how to look after your hot tub and ensure crystal clear hot tub water.
Find Out The Factors That Impact Hot Tub Running Costs & How To Spot The Most Efficient Hot Tubs.
Shocking your hot tub every week is an easy way to give it a bacteria-busting and contaminant-killing hygiene boost. Find out exactly how.
Hot tub maintenance won’t take up too much of your time once you’re up to speed. Read our complete guide to hot tub maintenance now.
Here’s everything you need to know about hot tub chemistry. Discover the chemicals you need to add to your home spa to keep it hygienic.
Blog post, Maintaining a Hot Tub Guides
Find out how best to clean hot tub filters, as well as the best cleaning and maintenance tips for hot tub filters in 2023 to extend the life of your spa!
Just opened up your hot tub’s cover to find a thick layer of foam? Find out how to fix foamy hot tub water fast and prevent it from ever happening again.
Your step-by-step guide to draining your home spa, refilling it, and getting it ready to use again.
Buying, Maintaining a Hot Tub Guides
What is the best number of jets for a hot tub? How do I make my spa jets stronger? Find out in our comprehensive guide.
Discover eight simple ways to transform your hot tub into a stylish spa bar. Just don’t blame us if your guests don’t want to leave your next spa-rty!
An annual hot tub service will help keep your home spa in top nick. But can you skip them? Here’s everything you need to know.
Flushing your hot tub’s plumbing is key to keeping it clean (and its water easy to balance). Here’s why hot tub flush is so important and how to use it.
Discover what your hot tub’s modes do and when you should use each one to shave the most off your electricity bills (without sacrificing performance).
This edition is full of spa reviews as well as top tips on buying, owning and maintaining your very own hot tub.
Don’t buy a hot tub or swim spa without it!